主讲人:崔俊芝教授 中国工程院院士
自1962年以来一直从事计算数学、计算力学和软件工程方法及其应用的研究,1964年独立研制出我国第一个平面问题有限元程序,成功地解决了刘家峡大坝等工程的复杂应力分析问题;1972年开始有间隙带摩擦弹性接触问题分析方法及其应用的研究,1973年首先揭示了接触体内的应力状态与加载路线的相关性,运用增量理论和变分不等式对弹性接触问题做出了严格的数学描述,发展了一套逐步线性化算法,并研制了相应的软件,顺利地解决了龚嘴大坝带缝运行和运行中高压灌浆等多项复杂的结构工程计算难题;1980年以来先后主持或参与主持了“六五”、“七五”、“八五”、“九五 ”国家科技攻关项目,国家重点基础研究计划项目,中科院重大项目以及八个国家自然科学基金项目,先后主持或参与主持完成了“通用有限元程序系统-FEPS”,“建筑工程设计软件包-BDP”,“有限元方法软件环境-SEFEM”,“科学和工程应用软件开发规范”等多项成果;在完成大型软件项目的过程中,提出了一套研制科学和工程应用软件的软件工程方法,包括算法自适应组织方法,系统构造模式以及软件开发规范等;九十年代以来,针对周期性复合材料和具有小周期构造的结构、具有随机裂隙/节理或随机颗粒/空隙分布的材料及其结构,建立和发展了一种材料性能预测和结构分析的高阶多尺度分析方法及其有限元算法。
Brief Introduction of Professor Junzhi Cui
Junzhi Cui,Professor of Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS, Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Member of European Academy of Sciences & Arts. Fields of Interest: Computational Mathematics, Computational Mechanics and Software Engineering.
In 1960's he studied finite element methods and applications. In the spring of 1964, he independently developed first FEM program for plane elastic problem in China, and successfully solved the stress analysis problems of Luijiaxia Dam and others. In 1973 he first discovered that the stress state inside contact bodies depends on the history of imposing loading, and developed a suit of successive linearization methods in terms of incremental theory and variational inequality, and then coded the program, and effectively solved the difficult problems risen in Gongzhui Dam with long vertical cracks and its reinforcement. Since 1980 he was in charge of a series of Nation S/T Key Projects of “6.5”, “7.5”, “8.5”, “9.5” ED Plan, and the key project of CAS, and 8 projects funded by NNSFC, and completed several large-scale software with his colleagues, such as FEPS, BDP, SEFEM and so on. At the same time he set up a suit of software engineering methods to develop the application software of science and technology, such as adaptive organization method of algorithms, configuration model of system and so on. In 1990’s he creatively developed a kind of high-order multi-scale computational methods for predicting the physics and mechanics performance of heterogeneous materials, and solved some material / structural computational problems. He has published more than 200 papers and reports, 3 books, and completed more than 30 technical reports to government or companies. He has been awarded 9 times of higher prizes.
Now he is engaging in the researches of the multi-scale analysis method and its applications to material sciences and engineering, and big data sciences and applications.